Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Parent Information Leaflet
SEND Policy
To see our current Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy please click on the links below:
McG new-elevate-send-policy-24-25
How we support pupils with SEND.pdf
Local Offer
The Local Offer provides useful information and advice on the services and resources available for children and young people with SEND as well as their parents and or carers, and professionals (such as within education) who work closely with a child or young person with SEND. The information included provides individuals and groups with more choice and control to ensure that the appropriate support is chosen to meet need.
SEN Report
To see our current Special Educational Needs report please click on the link below:
McG new-elevate-send-information-report 24-25.pdf.
SEND Admissions
For details of admission arrangements for pupils with SEN or disabilities please see the current Admissions Policy.
Our Accessibility Plan can be seen by navigating to our Policies webpage.
Parent Carer Voice
A recognised Parent Carer Forum for North Yorkshire, supporting families with children and young people (0-25 years) with Special Educations Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)
Click here for more information.
Marie Louise Thirlaway headteacher@mcgprimaryschool.org
Sharon Robertson s.robertson@elevatemat.org
Inclusion Lead:
Marie-Louise Thirlaway headteacher@mcgprimaryschool.org